Saturday, September 2, 2023

Kamala Khan May Be the Most Important Hero in The Marvels

The Marvels suggests a heartbreaking rift could make Kamala Khan the key to a shift that will help usher in a new age of heroes in the MCU.

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe prepares fans for The Marvels, many are intrigued to see how it'll balance such a big roster. In fact, the cast of heroes alone and how they intertwine suggest there's going to be a lot of dynamic interactions. It has to do with Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan all being mysteriously tethered to each other through quantum energy, allowing them to swap places each time they use their powers.

In the process, it looks like the movie is indeed going to play with the idea of who's going to handle the drama best. But more than that, it'll touch on who'll be the most impactful hero out of the bunch. Well, thanks to clues laid out in a recent interview, it feels like it's going to be Kamala.

The Marvels Teases a Rift Between Carol and Monica

Now, this film tackles an idea the books used: multiple Captain Marvels. Outside Mar-Vell, Carol and Monica took this mantle on in the lore, while Kamala kicked butt with the younger generation as Ms. Marvel. Here, though, the trifecta has personal issues outside the enemies they'll be fighting, such as Zawe Ashton's Dar-Benn. And in an Empire interview, Monica's actor, Teyonah Parris, admits she will indeed have tension with Carol.

They'll need to work through it, but it's not stated how heavy the conflict will be. Still, Monica's upset Carol wasn't there at her mom's funeral. Captain Marvel had Carol and Maria as best friends, which is why Monica looked up to Carol as an aunt. Thus, that deep cut of betrayal could be getting to Monica, who could be upset and hurt that Carol abandoned her and ignored her in her time of grief and need. And seeing as Carol has visited Earth, helped The Avengers fight Thanos and aided Nick Fury in rehoming some Skrulls, as Secret Invasion confirmed, that's more reason for Monica to be upset.

Of course, the movie seems set to mix in comedy and not leave Maria too bitter, but it does feel like this is going to be an issue that needs to be addressed in a big way. As history has shown, Carol is big on the idea of family, on and off-planet, while Monica, per WandaVision, is all about being there for people in need. As such, they could require a bridge for this emotional gap, and there's no one better for the job than Kamala.

The Marvels Hints That Kamala Khan Is the Key to Fixing Things

What makes Kamala perfect for this role was revealed on the Ms. Marvel TV show. No one embodies the idea of family and unity like she does. It was well-illustrated as she learned about her kin being Pakistani immigrants, as well as her great-grandmother being an alien refugee from beyond the Veil of Noor. Kamala had to juggle both worlds while trying to find meaning in life and her identity.

In time, she'd learn the people around her influenced her and that she should be a product of her environment -- not the other way around. It wasn't easy, though. As the series rolled on, Kamala saw Najma sacrifice herself to save Kamran and her own great-grandmother, Aisha, die to ensure Kamala's dynasty could end up coming to America. This matured her up in a big way, reminding her petty squabbles don't matter. Life in the now does, which is a message of appreciation she can pass to the two older heroes.

Kamala encompasses trauma and pain just as much as them, but she's never given up hope or wavered from a path of optimism. To that point, her spirit, youth, selflessness and innocence can remind Monica and Carol to be adults and heal together. After all, love is always the key to putting people back together -- something Kamala is all in on after her trip to the past. It's all about moving forward, and Kamala knows how to do this, even across space and time.

Kamala Khan Could Start a Powerful Shift for Superheroes

Making Kamala the key to The Marvels' group would be a very clever creative approach. This allows her to continue her coming-of-age story naturally, bringing in younger viewers. Plus, knowing Kamala is a power player this way and not some sidekick adds intrinsic value and brand growth. In fact, no character created for Disney+ has had this impact in the films, so it reminds younger viewers what the MCU is doing on TV will have bigger consequences.

This notion would have them watching more shows from the start. Daredevil: Born Again, Echo and the rumored She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 2 could all stand to benefit from this, especially after fans lost interest in Marvel TV and the Netflix shows because their characters didn't impact the movies. This time, however, it'd be more than just a cameo -- it's Kamala actually driving the plot and core of two important heroes. Such an approach also fits Kamala's journey in the comics, where -- whether it be with The Avengers, Spider-Man or officially being a mutant with the X-Men -- she has had monumental arcs.

Ultimately, it serves the character well by making her vital. It's something folks would hope for the likes of Kate Bishop someday. There's just huge potential in the likes of Kamala reinvigorating pockets of the MCU that always rely on adults and big names to fix things. Instead, it'd be quite endearing to see a kid finding a way to help better these heroes and reiterate that fun and family do go hand-in-hand. The action sequences and overall vibe of The Marvels do seem to embrace this very concept, and if Kamala's the catalyst for everyone lightening up, that's even better.



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