Monday, September 4, 2023

The KOTOR Remake Will Have To Redefine Star Wars Lore

Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic is getting a remake, but that will mean some major changes to the existing lore.

The slate of upcoming Star Wars video games appears to be very impressive as Lucasfilm ensures that the canon timeline continues to expand with its range of titles. One announcement that really caught the eyes of fans was the news that the classic Knights of the Old Republic is eventually getting a remake. With Aspyr and Lucasfilm Games behind the release, the reveal opened up discussions about what other Star Wars games should be remade. However, KOTOR isn't like other series because of its effect on Star Wars lore.

The Old Republic is a massive period of time for the extended universe, with many fan-favorite characters like Darth Revan debuting in this era of unrest. While the battles between the Dark and Light side might be legendary, their fame has only been cemented through the spinoff books, comics, and games that spawned from the initial KOTOR. Bringing all of this Star Wars storytelling into Disney's canon timeline might prove to be challenging for the Lucasfilm team.

The KOTOR Remake Is Great News For Star Wars Fans

The mark that Knights of the Old Republic left on the Star Wars community is undeniable. The title represented the very best of Star Wars gaming. The key to KOTOR's success was the amount of choice players were given in the narrative. The sequel only expanded the Old Republic's role in the galaxy far, far away and the ongoing MMORPG The Old Republic has ensured that there is still space for the franchise in modern Star Wars. But the return of KOTOR via a remake is an acknowledgment for fans of everything the series contributed to the wider franchise, from original characters to key events. The twist that the player is Darth Revan throughout the first game is the cherry on the cake, a moment in Star Wars history that current audiences should have a chance to experience for themselves. The remake is great news for fans, especially for those who are hoping Lucasfilm will embrace other titles in a similar way. Lucasfilm announced at Star Wars celebration that the Old Republic era would be embraced in the current canon timeline. That suggests that the KOTOR remake will also be in continuity. However, the complicated nature of KOTOR's characters and arcs could lead to serious concerns for the company.

Star Wars Has Attempted To Include KOTOR In The Current Canon

There have already been attempts to try to establish some connections between the Old Republic lore and the current Star Wars canon. Darth Revan was supposed to appear in The Clone Wars, for example, and Darth Bane did eventually make an animated comeback in the form of a dark side specter in the Season 6 episode "Sacrifice." The planet Malachor made an appearance in Rebels, nodding towards the early game series. The comics and books have also alluded to moments from the Old Republic, with the lore getting strengthed by these minor connections.

Despite these minor nods, there certainly hasn't been a supremely obvious case study where Lucasfilm has fully reinserted KOTOR back into canon, with many once assuming that the High Republic era was actually meant to be its replacement. After Disney wiped the slate clean and the continuity was renewed, the status of the Old Republic was still up in the air. The ongoing MMORPG didn't seem to have much of an effect on the current canon and those examples of tiny links to the era were all fans had to go on. It was as if Lucasfilm couldn't decide whether they wanted the Old Republic to have a place within the timeline or not.

But any minuscule links to the Old Republic are enough to get the ball rolling. They are signs that the lore could be reinserted and there is precedent for it already happening. But there will be limitations on how far Star Wars can go. Indeed, those small examples are also indicators that this is a risky process. So many new elements have been established in the Star Wars timeline that could clash with the Old Republic. KOTOR worked during the expanded universe structure, but it is untested in this new space. Maybe a remake would be unnecessary if everything stayed completely the same though. So to fit in with the new timeline while still honoring what came before, Knights of the Old Republic will have to redefine Star Wars lore.

Star Wars Continuity Will Have To Be Redefined For KOTOR To Join The Timeline

When KOTOR was first released, it left a legacy that cannot be matched. It redefined Star Wars lore by establishing a different era that fans had not seen before. It was a smart move, as it allowed Lucasfilm to tell stories they weren't able to tell during the Galactic Civil War and after the fall of the Empire. Now that the Disney timeline has been set up, it's time for history to repeat itself. It's time for KOTOR to once again be the groundbreaking change that Star Wars sorely needs, fixing some of the problems the franchise is facing. Just like the High Republic initiative, KOTOR has to be the dawn of a new age that sees its characters restored, its narratives intertwined with the current canon, and new arcs set up that can play into future releases from other eras.

But in order to connect with the current canon, Knights of the Old Republic will also have to redefine its own continuity. Simply copying and pasting the original game won't be enough for it to succinctly fit with the current galaxy. Things have moved on, and the High Republic, which takes place after the Old Republic, has to be taken into account now. What's more, with Lucasfilm looking to tell Star Wars stories at the dawn of the Jedi, KOTOR will also have to line up with any prequel material. It's going to be a tough balancing act to master, which might answer some questions surrounding the game's delayed production. Most Star Wars fans can agree that the Old Republic era is a rich tapestry of potential that deserves to be recognized in canon again. But to do so,fg it has to make its impact genuinely felt, changing upcoming projects and ensuring it fits snugly into the timeline. The events, planets, droids, starships, characters, and arcs should be added to Star Wars lore with modern tweaks and the galaxy will be all the better for it.



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