Wednesday, August 30, 2023

D&D: How To Build The Perfect Drunken Master Monk In 5e

The Way of the Drunken Master is the most martial and skirmish-oriented monk subclass in D&D 5e, perfect for anyone who wants to be in the thick of it

The Way of the Drunken Master is one of the most straightforward and martial monk subclasses in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. It doesn't unlock esoteric new Ki abilities or other supernatural gifts. Instead, the Way of the Drunken Master emphasizes physical control and misdirection, with its monks getting mundane and effective combat abilities.

D&D 5e's Way of the Drunken Master monks are mobile and unpredictable. They're challenging to slow or bog down in combat and excel at hitting more often than a monk should be able to. Despite its relatively straightforward nature, a Way of the Drunken Master monk build can still be pushed further with the right approach.

Way Of The Drunken Master Build Summary

Perks Of A Drunken Master Monk Build

Like all monks, D&D 5e's Way of the Drunken Master is a skirmishing martial character. They're not frontline combatants, instead preferring to slip behind the enemy and strike valuable targets. The Way of the Drunken Master forgoes supernatural abilities to terrorize foes or bypass enemies in favor of sheer martial talent. It's the best D&D 5e monk subclass for players who want to brawl across the battlefield tactically.

The D&D 5e Way of the Drunken Master's Bonus Proficiencies are largely for flavor and not vital to any build. However, Drunken Technique is the cornerstone the entire subclass. Whenever a Way of the Drunken Master monk uses Flurry of Blows, their speed increases and they gain the benefits of the Disengage action. This encourages the monk to punch foes as often as possible and bypass stubborn enemies in their way. It lets a character focus on offense while being almost impossible to pin down in combat.

Tipsy Sway gives two benefits that further solidify the Drunken Master monk's combat style. They can stand up from prone by spending only five feet of movement, making them even harder to pin down. More significantly, they can spend Ki to force enemy attacks that miss them to hit another adjacent enemy. Whether they flit away or stand in the middle of a mob, the D&D 5e Drunken Master monk is well-protected and difficult to overwhelm.

Drunkard's Luck lets a Way of the Drunken Master monk build spend two Ki points to negate disadvantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. This is much too expensive a cost to cancel out just any disadvantage roll. However, it's an almost unique ability that can be used to get around disadvantage on rolls that matter, such as vital saving throws or a desperate attack against a near-death enemy.

Intoxicated Frenzy bolsters a D&D 5e Way of the Drunken Master monk's best combat tactic. It adds an additional attack to Flurry of Blows, letting them strike three times as a bonus action, as long as each strike targets a different creature. The Drunken Master's other abilities ensure that this works whether they stand in the middle of a mob or move around the battlefield hitting creatures one by one.

Best Stats For A Way Of The Drunken Master Monk Build

The Way of the Drunken Master is a rare monk subclass in D&D 5e with no abilities that require saving throws. As a result, Dexterity is the uncontested most important ability score. Dexterity increases the accuracy and damage of the Drunken Master monk's many attacks, boosts their Armor Class, and aids many valuable ability checks.

Wisdom shouldn't be neglected, however. Wisdom boosts the Armor Class of all D&D 5e monks due to Unarmored Defense. In addition, it powers Stunning Strike, far and away one of the monk's best features. Way of the Drunken Master builds should still stun enemies as often as they can, encouraging as high Wisdom as possible without neglecting Dexterity.

Like all martial characters, D&D 5e Way of the Drunken Master monks want at least some Constitution. Monks are more fragile than most melee fighters due to their d8 hit die. Low Constitution makes it hazardous to spend too long up close with enemies. Even though the Way of the Drunken Master has an easier time with hit-and-run attacks, it's unlikely to avoid all retaliation entirely.

The Best Race & Background For A Way Of The Drunken Master Monk Build

Variant human or custom lineage are two of the best race options for any build in D&D 5e due to the sheer potential of a free feat. The Way of the Drunken Master monk is no exception to this. Starting with Tough or Fey Touched provides significant value from the start and saves on later Ability Score Improvements.

Satyr is another invaluable option, especially with Tasha's Cauldron of Everything's optional D&D 5e rules decoupling ability scores and race. A satyr's movement speed bonus synergizes well with the Drunken Master's maneuverability and the base monk speed bonuses. Magic Resistance makes hostile spells much easier to avoid, especially with Diamond Soul at higher levels. The only downside is redundancy in the Performance skill, but that's of little use to a D&D 5e Drunken Master monk anyway.

Aarakocra is an unconventional choice for a Way of the Drunken Master monk build in D&D 5e. It's already an immensely mobile subclass, and the added ability to fly and move in a third dimension only increases this. A monk never wears armor, so it will never interfere with the flying speed. In addition, the talons improve unarmed strike damage at low levels until the monk's Martial Arts die catches up.

Bugbear is another surprising monk choice. Surprise Attack deals additional damage on every strike that hits a creature yet to take a turn, and a Way of the Drunken Master can make more attacks than almost any character. They can attack an unwary enemy who is low down on initiative to devastating effect or spread the damage throughout a large and disorganized enemy force. The additional reach helps the build's hit-and-run style as well.

Way of the Drunken Master monks have reasonably flexible backgrounds in D&D 5e. They likely want to pick choices that give Dexterity skills, Wisdom skills, or both. Urban Bounty Hunter lets a player choose Insight and Stealth, aiding in bypassing difficult confrontations and giving the character something to do in social situations. Far Traveler gives both Survival and Perception, leaning into the Drunken Master monk's high Wisdom.

Best 5e Feats For Drunken Master Monks

Due to a lack of spellcasting and many weapons, Way of the Drunken Master monks have an unusual selection of D&D 5e feats compared to many other builds. The most obvious boon is Crusher. Moving a creature five feet with one attack per turn helps the Drunken Master's hit-and-run style, or lets them maneuver enemies into the best positions for Tipsy Sway. With the Drunken Master monk's many attacks, critical hits are more likely to occur, activating its other benefit. A Constitution bonus also helps the fragile monk.

Tough is another straightforward choice. Monks are among D&D 5e's most fragile frontline combatants, and the Way of the Drunken Master's playstyle encourages them to be in the thick of it. Two extra hit points per level makes them more durable than a fighter with the same stats and help them avoid getting in over their head.

Fey Touched is reliably good for a Way of the Drunken Master monk build in D&D 5e. Misty Step does conflict with Flurry of Blows as a bonus action but is a mobility tool that can reach places walking cannot. The free choice of first-level Divination or Enchantment spell also opens a lot of doors. Its Wisdom bonus is yet another boon.

Multiclassing A 5e Drunken Master Monk

Monks' scaling unarmed strike damage and Ki points encourage them to remain in a single-classed build. However, certain Way of the Drunken Master monk builds in D&D 5e can benefit from levels in another class for new abilities.

An unconventional Drunken Master monk build takes levels in barbarian. Rage's damage bonus applies to each of a Drunken Master monk's strikes, boosting damage significantly. This is especially true of a multiclass with the D&D 5e Path of the Beast barbarian, which can attack more than almost any build in the game. However, this build emphasizes Strength and Constitution over Dexterity and Wisdom, and trades lower Armor Class for Rage damage reduction.

Ranger is an effective choice for monks who want a touch of spellcasting. Hunter's Mark provides a d6 damage boost to all strikes, but its focus on a single target can clash with a Drunken Master's skirmishing role. Healing magic like Cure Wounds can be invaluable in a pitch. In addition, a D&D 5e Drunken Master monk build can benefit from the Dueling Fighting Style if they wield a monk weapon in one hand, or take Blind Fighting to be effective in almost any environment.



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