Friday, July 28, 2023

Marvel Reveals Whether Ms. Marvel Has Mutant Superpowers

Ms. Marvel has been resurrected by the X-Men, but this week's Hellfire Gala reveals whether her superpowers are from her mutant X-gene or not

After Ms. Marvel died in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man, her death turned out to be shockingly brief, as Marvel revealed recently that it was resurrecting the popular superhero, but not only was she coming back to life, but she would both be joining the X-Men and discovering that she was a mutant!

In this week's X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1, we discovered the details about Kamala Khan's resurrection on Krakoa, including whether her classic "embiggening" superpowers were due to her mutant heritage, and also whether she was definitely still an Inhuman, or if that was a mistake, and she was only a mutant all along.

First off, as soon as Kamala was resurrected, the X-Men calmed her fears down about this new fact that she was a mutant, but also that her family had to deal with her recent demise. Emma Frost noted that she will adjust her family's memories so that they do not recall that their daughter ever died at all (she was also given an outfit to wear for the Hellfire Gala. It is what we used in the header image for this article).

We then received confirmation that Ms. Marvel's current superpowers, the ability to increase her size and stretch (basically Mister Fantastic's power set) comes from her Inhuman side being activated by the Terrigen Mists. Therefore, her superpowers are NOT mutant ones. It also means that she just happens to be both of Inhuman heritage AND mutant heritage.

What are Ms. Marvel's mutant powers then?

Naturally, if her superpowers are still Inhuman in nature, Kamal wanted to know what her mutant abilities are, but Charles Xavier explained to her that there is no way to know, because she was exposed to the Terrigen Mists before her mutant powers surfaced. That, though, might have been a major blessing for her, as Terrigen Mists have been shown to have very negative effects on mutants. So had Kamala manifested her mutant abilities FIRST, she might have died, or been severely injured by the Terrigen Mists.

As it is, Xavier explains that there is no sure bet that activating her mutant abilities (which were apparently suppressed when her Inhuman abilities manifested themselves) would not cause her physical harm. In addition, the X-Men believe in bodily autonomy, so they would never ask Kamala to try to trigger her mutant abilities without her permission.

So for now, after the devastating attack on the X-Men at the Hellfire Gala, Kamala is working as a member of the X-Men, but using only her Inhuman abilities for now. Time will tell if she ever manifests her mutant powers at ALL, and whether they are similar to the ones she had on her Disney+ TV series.



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