Friday, September 15, 2023

Which Robin Deserves the Batman Mantle Most?

All the Robins, from Dick Grayson to Damian Wayne, have the skills required to become Batman in the future, but which one has the right to do so?

Batman has had several partners over the course of his storied history, but none are more significant than Robin. Whoever wears that mantle is not only responsible for watching Batman's back while on patrol, but also for reining in the darkness that threatens to consume him every time he puts on the cowl. In short, Robin is the light to Batman's darkness, bringing joy and hope where Batman brings fear. Each of the young men he has worked alongside has fulfilled this role in their own unique way. Yet, which one of them will take over as Batman once Bruce Wayne leaves the role?

DC has given fans glimpses of what each Robin's version of Batman could look like, and even that is incredibly varied depending on the circumstances of their lives, alternating between heroic or outright villainous. The question isn't: which Robin will become Batman? Rather, which one is most deserving of becoming the Dark Knight?

Nightwing Is Everything Batman Was Supposed to Be

Starting with the obvious, Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, is the front-runner for the position should Gotham need a new Batman. Bruce has actively stated that Nightwing is everything Batman was originally intended to be for Gotham; someone who can inspire fear in criminals, but also hope in the average civilian. Bruce's own demons and his personality quirks make it hard for him to do the latter. Even though people believe in Batman, it is hard to see him as a shining beacon of hope when compared to Nightwing, who is actively taking a leadership position within the superhero community, rallying the heroes during Dark Crisis and leading the Titans as they replace the Justice League, while Batman seems to be in a continued decline.

Nightwing already has experience acting as the Dark Knight, having done so when Bruce was lost in time following his confrontation with Darkseid in Final Crisis. Dick filled the role quite admirably, with Bruce admitting that people prefer Dick's Batman to his. In this role, Dick wasn't a grim Dark Knight, but someone who could work more easily with others, while still bringing the same level of dedication and skill to the table as Nightwing.

However, the one counter to the case for Nightwing to one day become Batman: he doesn't want to be the Dark Knight. There was a time when Nightwing may have expected to be Batman, but as he grew up his perspective and desires changed. While he admires Batman and loves him as a father, Nightwing wants to chart his own course as a hero rather than take up another person's mantle.

Red Hood Would Be a Deadlier Batman

Despite his often antagonistic relationship with Batman, Red Hood does have the skills necessary to be the Dark Knight, and he brings other qualities to the table that make him unique among his brothers. For starters, he has the same level of training as any of them, so there is no question of his competence. He has trained alongside Batman and even the League of Assassins for a time shortly after his resurrection following A Death in the Family.

What makes Red Hood unique though is that he has a grounded perspective that Batman can lack at times. Having grown up on the streets, Red Hood understands the plight of Gotham's less affluent citizens, and thus can understand what the people need better than Batman can. This fact is one of the major reasons for their latest dispute.

Unfortunately, Red Hood has a tendency to use lethal violence. Red Hood has a history as a killer, and has proven in the past that he could become a murderous Batman if left unchecked. While he has grown since then, he has a hard time upholding Batman's one rule, and his own personal traumas often override his decisions. Additionally, Jason Todd seemingly disagrees with Batman, joining Catwoman's side in the upcoming Gotham War event.

Tim Drake Is a Better Detective Than Batman

Tim Drake can rival Batman's skills as a detective, and even exceed them. He proved his keen analytical mind when he deduced Batman and Robin's true identities based on context clues alone. More than that, Tim is the only Robin to volunteer for the position without personal loss as his motivation.

That generosity has guided Tim throughout his career as Robin and Red Robin. He has even earned the respect of the likes of Ra's al Ghul, who gave him the nickname "Detective," something he only reserved for Batman. Despite all his training and accomplishments though, Tim Drake is not the ideal Batman candidate.

In a possible future where he becomes Batman, Tim is incredibly violent, and even willing to attempt to kill a child who could become a potential threat. The pressure of being Batman ultimately causes him to go down a dark path. Tim Drake is only just learning how to put his own needs first for a change, and is realizing that to move forward he must form his own identity independent of his family's legacy so that he may have a better chance of helping others and being happy.

Damian Wayne Is Technically Batman's Heir

Damian Wayne currently fills the role of Robin, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest he is the logical heir to Batman. Aside from being Batman's biological child, Damian is technically ahead of all his family in regard to his training, having been trained by the League of Assassins almost since he was born. While he doesn't have as much experience as his fellow Bat-Family members, this gap is rapidly closing as Damian continues to grow.

What truly sets Damian apart from his older brothers though is his own personal development. When Damian first entered Batman's life, he was a spoiled brat who was ready to deal out death to whoever he thought deserved it. With time and a lot of patience, he has grown into a more compassionate young man who has fully adopted Batman's rules as his own because he believes in them. He has even started to try and connect with others more, forming healthier relationships than his father ever had.

Most importantly, Damian wants to become Batman, not because he feels he is owed it, but because it is a representation of his progress. To become Batman is to finally prove that he has risen above his dark origins and become a hero just as good as his father. Unfortunately, there is some evidence to suggest that depending on the events of his life, Damian could either become a corrupted Batman, or one willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves. Damian is, unfortunately, very much a coin that could land on the wrong side if pushed far enough. Having said that, his friendship with Jon Kent, his role as Teen Titans leader, his new life as a high school student and his complete faith in Batman in the upcoming Gotham War event all suggest that Damian is well on his way to becoming the future Batman, a role his Bat-Family brothers either don't want or aren't as qualified for.



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