Monday, September 4, 2023

Hell's Paradise: The Tao System, Explained

Hell's Paradise's Tao represents an intricate and mysterious magic system that requires balance and is accessible to anyone willing to master it.

Complex magic systems are not new in the vast world of anime, as many serve as backbones to the tales they belong to. From the Chakras in Naruto to the alchemy in Fullmetal Alchemist each of these anime presented its unique interpretation, weaving a tapestry of mysticism and lore. Hell's Paradise introduces its own nuanced magic system that has captivated fans of the anime yet remains shrouded in mystery. Tao, a concept inspired by Chinese philosophies, is a magic system that is interwoven with the fabric of energy and aura. In Hell's Paradise, it is brought to life through wave imagery and visualizations, which suggests a foundation that is rooted more in a person's frequency than mystical energy.

Within the lush islands and perilous landscapes of Hell's Paradise, the existence of Tao is not knowledge that is reserved for a select few. As the story unfolds over the course of the first season, it becomes very clear that many of the characters possess the ability to tap into this force. Yet, what makes this magic system so brilliant is the diverse ways in which it can be tapped into. Each wielder of Tao manifests their connection differently, marking a departure from anime with monolithic magical systems. Instead of walking down the path of light and dark sides of the force, Hell's Paradise brings its audience to a middle-ground where the key to unlocking one's connection to Tao rests on finding one's inner balance.

Tao and Frequency

Deep within the heart of Hell's Paradise lies the core philosophy of Tao and its wave-like energy. Energy or aura within the context of magic systems is often perceived as images of a subtle, glowing outline or a vibrant force field. Tao, however, stands apart in the world of magical conventions. It doesn't simply appear as an aura around an individual, but rather with frequency, similar to waves, and its use is unique to the individual using it. The mechanics behind mastering Tao, as explained in the first season of Hell's Paradise, are thorough and rooted in ancient principles. The path towards mastering Tao has five steps: Doin, which sets the foundation; Taisoku, aligning the mind and body; followed by the yet to be fully explained Shuitsu and Shuten, all of which pave the way for Bochu Jutsu, the final step towards mastering Tao.

The pinnacle of Tao mastery, Bochu Jutsu necessitates the harmony of two – the union of yin and yang. It emphasizes the deep belief that all things in nature have these dual energies. By fostering one's Tao, allowing both energies to flow harmoniously via that act of intercourse between male and female, an individual can ascend to a realm of power so potent that it's believed to be able to alter the very laws of nature. This is why the Tensen, the Gods on the island, are able to manifest and transform themselves into both men and women. Tao can also be perceived as one's clothing, a barrier that allows the user to intuitively sense its presence from any direction. Shion, one of the Asaemon, exemplifies this heightened attunement with Tao. For Shion, he is able to pick up Tao in the form of scents, movements, and sounds – a reflection of life's interconnected waves.

Who Can Access Tao?

Tao is connected to all beings. It is a common thread that weaves its way through and within everything, and grants each being, whether animate or inanimate, their own distinctive energy signature. Tao is not reserved for a chosen few but rather courses through all things and beings waiting to be harnessed. What makes this system stand out in Hell's Paradise is its adaptability. Tao is as fluid as water, taking the shape of its vessel, allowing each individual to mold it and use it in a way that aligns with their intrinsic nature. The Asaemon Shion sums this up in the final episode of season one, while talking to Sagiri. Shion explains that Tao is a power that everyone possesses innately, but mastering it allows each individual to achieve superhuman abilities. It is the lifeblood of existence, and life itself.

There are many ways that Tao can be used and wielded. One of the criminals on the island, a shinobi named Yuzuriha, can turn her body into a slime-like substance based on what potions she consumes. This is recognized by the Tensen Mu Dan during their fight with Yuzuriha. Mu Dan proclaims that this is in fact a manifestation of Tao and the way Yuzuriha uses Tao is based on her shinobi training. This is further emphasized when even Gabimaru, with help from Mei, a young girl Gabimaru saves, is able to tap into his Tao. With just a few instructions from Mei, Gabimaru manages to use his newfound strength to vanquish two of the formidable monsters sent by the Tensen. This further solidifies Shion's assertion that Tao is inherently within everyone.

The Key to Tao

Most magic systems follow the dichotomy of light and dark, in Hell's Paradise, however it is all about bringing together an individuals' yin and yang, their light and dark, and finding balance within the union of those two sides. Tao speaks about the harmony between strength and weakness, and balance between one's shadow self and light self. Mei's attempts to convey this philosophy to Gabimaru, despite her limited ability to communicate, underlines the significance of these dualities. It isn't about suppressing one's weaknesses in favor of strengths, but rather embracing both and letting them flow together in unison. Sagiri's journey with Tao is a struggle at first as she tries to suppress her weakness, but as the season progresses, Sagiri learns to find the harmony between her vulnerabilities and her strengths. This is visualized through the images of raging waves within Sagiri and those waves calming when she finds that equilibrium.

Tao is the heartbeat of existence. It doesn't discriminate or differentiate; it thrives in every being. This universal energy demands that an individual be in alignment with themselves in order to begin mastering and harnessing the power in Tao. The Tensen are the embodiment of that alignment. They seamlessly shift their bodies between Masculine and Feminine, between yin and yang, ensuring their connection to Tao is at the highest level. But like all powerful forces, Tao is a double-edged sword. While it grants great power, users must be cautious because over-using Tao can lead to terrible consequences. It can drain the user's stamina; it can change a user's mental and physical states much like the appearance of purple marks on the criminal Aza's body; it can alter a user's consciousness and memories which becomes evident at the end of the season with Gabimaru's condition; and in a worst case scenario, it can lead to the death of the user.

Tao and how it works is central to the narrative in Hell's Paradise as it embodies the essence of life and focuses on the philosophy of balance. Tao is not just a tool or a weapon; it is a way of life that urges beings to be in harmony with their true selves and the universe around them. As audience members delve deeper into the world of Hell's Paradise, the complexities of Tao will be made clearer. The characters' journeys with Tao, like Sagiri's triumphs after her struggles, Aza's cautionary tale of overusing Tao without proper knowledge of what it is, and Gabimaru's loss of memory, all reflect the delicate balance that life itself demands.

With recent news that Hell's Paradise is receiving a second season, there is clearly so much more to learn about the different nuanced layers of Tao, and what that power means especially for those trying to master it. Hell's Paradise is not just a captivating fantasy and dark adventure it is a tale of introspection, growth, balance and imbalance, and ultimately redemption.



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