Friday, August 4, 2023

Strong Guy: How To Fix Marvel Snap's Least Used Card

Of all the cards that players can get a hold of in Marvel Snap, Strong Guy is currently the least used, prompting questions regarding how to fix it.

Marvel Snap continues to thrive, as it expands and grows with each new season. However, with the roster now at 226 playable cards (with many more to come), there are various cards that have been cast to the wayside and have fallen into obscurity. Strong Guy is one such card that has suffered profusely in recent months, and finds itself as the least-used card in the game.

As a Pool 1 card, Strong Guy has been around since the very beginning of Marvel Snap. This is just one reason that could explain his downfall, as new and shinier cards tend to utilize more exciting gimmicks and archetypes that players are more inclined to try out. While Strong Guy does have some very niche uses, it is currently in a sad place. Second Dinner will likely try to fix Strong Guy at some point, as they have done for so many other cards with OTA Balance Updates, but right now, Marvel Snap players are left to wonder what might happen.

The Current State Of Strong Guy

As of right now, Strong Guy is a 4-Cost 4-Power card, with its true potential lying in its Ongoing ability. If the player has no cards left in their hand at the end of the game, Strong Guy gains +6 Power, providing it is already in play.

As most decks require high-Cost high-Power cards to make a real impact, ending a game with no cards in their hand is a tough task, thus rendering Strong Guy effectively useless. In fact, emptying a hand is simply unappealing, explaining Strong Guy's lack of use. There are still ways to make Strong Guy work, but many players are simply unwilling to try and opt for an easier alternative.

There Are Still Fun Uses For Strong Guy Despite General Opinion

It is always a sad state of affairs when players have to force a card into a deck just to get some use out of it. However, there is a form of the Hela Discard deck that can actually get some mileage out of Strong Guy. Even without Strong Guy, this deck is inconsistent, as it relies on the player drawing Invisible Woman, M.O.D.O.K. and Hela in that order. If executed well however, M.O.D.O.K. waits until the very end of the game to discard everything in the player's hand, before Hela resurrects the cards and places them across all locations.

With Strong Guy getting to 10 Power thanks to M.O.D.O.K., players can include Ongoing-boosting cards to get even more out of him. Onslaught, Spectrum and Iron Man all serve to boost cards like Strong Guy and Morbius considerably, making them perfect accompanying cards for this Hela deck. This deck isn't going to easily get players to Infinite however, as decks generally need more reliability and cards like Strong Guy to be more powerful.

This deck is not the best, but it is versatile enough that players can alter it to their own personal preference or in adding more accessible cards. While the cards listed above focus on getting M.O.D.O.K. and Hela out of the player's hand and providing additional boosts to Strong Guy, cards like Magik, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal and Odin all add new dimensions to the deck.

Strong Guy can also be played in normal M.O.D.O.K. Discard decks that don't include Hela or in low-Cost Zoo decks. No matter the deck, the aim must always be to get rid of cards, or there is no real point of including him. Strong Guy needs alterations and a general fix in order to be more versatile, and ultimately more viable in competitive Marvel Snap.

How to Properly Fix Marvel Snap's Strong Guy

Strong Guy is in a good place as a 4-Cost card. There is never much sense in "buffing" a 4-Cost card by reducing it to 3 Energy, simply because it can already become that cheap thanks to Zabu's cost-reduction ability. It would take a cost reduction down to 2 Energy for it to be worth changing in that way.

Yet there is potential in its Power output. If Strong Guy's ability was to stay the same, it would need to have a high base Power. Anything from 6 Power upwards would start to get Marvel Snap players' attention, as a potential 12 Power is already more-enticing than the current 10. Equally, a 2-Cost 8-to-10 Power could be an interesting avenue to explore.

Changing The Ability's Power Output

Changing Strong Guy's ability could come in different forms, and the first of which would be a simple increase to the Power Strong Guy could reach with an empty hand. While Strong Guy can already reach 10 Power, the difficulty of getting an empty hand would certainly benefit from having a +10 Power boost.

However, such a massive boost will then raise questions about how other cards should be treated. Cards from Warpath to the Guardians of the Galaxy crew would warrant better boosts if this new precedent was set, meaning that such a drastic change to Strong Guy could be dangerous to the meta and overall landscape of Marvel Snap. Still, Strong Guy needs a change, and experimentation may well be the way to go.

Changing The Ability Entirely

A more drastic change may well be called for, which could see Strong Guy's ability change altogether. With cards like Devil Dinosaur gaining +2 for each card remaining in the player's hand by the end, there could be room for Strong Guy's ability to be reshaped in this image.

Giving Strong Guy a higher base Power, but with an Ongoing ability that takes -1 or -2 Power away for each card left in the player's hand, would be a way to give Strong Guy a similar premise, that wouldn't necessarily rely on having an empty deck. This would then in-turn encourage some exciting new deck combinations, as cards like Zero and Sauron could remove an allied Strong Guy's ability for maximum Power. A 4-Cost 10-Power Strong Guy with -1 for each card remaining at the end could be an exciting start to experimentation.

Where Strong Guy Needs To Be Moving Forward

Appropriate changes to Strong Guy could make it a valuable piece of various deck types, from Hela Discard and Sera Control to even working well alongside the top Marvel Snap card, Thanos. To be effective and interesting enough for Marvel Snap players to use, Strong Guy needs drastic changes to catch their attention.

Second Dinner don't always get it right the first time when it comes to buffs and nerfs, but the fact that they are trying bodes well for cards like Strong Guy. No matter what happens, Strong Guy needs to have an exciting stat-line across Cost and Power, or have an ability that isn't limited to M.O.D.O.K. or cheap-card decks. Whatever happens to the card going forward, Strong Guy deserves to be more than the least-used card in Marvel Snap.



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