Friday, July 14, 2023

Secret Invasion Reveals G'iah's True Loyalties in a Clever Way

In Secret Invasion, the true loyalties of Emilia Clarke's G'iah were a mystery, serving heroes and villains, but her true motivations make sense.

Secret Invasion is moving into its endgame now, and "Beloved" revealed the true loyalties of G'iah. The character, daughter of Talos and lieutenant to Gravik, was the biggest question mark in Marvel's spy thriller series. While the series may have its issues with fans, where G'iah stands in this conflict is some clever writing because she's off on her own.

After G'iah was shot by Gravik, which would've been a waste of Secret Invasion's best character, she got better. The episode flashes back to when G'iah was snooping around the Super Skrull lab, where she was able to imbue herself with the powers of Groot, Cull Obsidian, a Jotunheim frost beast and, most importantly, Extremis from Iron Man 3. This healed the wound that should've been fatal, allowing her to live to fight another day. Yet, the question throughout the series was who, precisely, is G'iah fighting for? Some thought she was loyal to Gravik, while others assumed she was undercover for her father Talos or some other force of "good." Yet, during a heartbreaking scene with Talos, she revealed she's on her own side. She loves her father but agrees with Gravik that his leadership would leave the Skrulls forced to live in hiding without a home. She's not down with human genocide but also doesn't believe that being nice will open humanity's hearts.

G'iah Has Complicated Feelings About Her Father

While the invasion of Gravik's Skrulls has been less-than secret, G'iah was a true believer for a time. Gravik, it appears, always harbored suspicions about her true loyalties. Yet, it wasn't until Talos told her Gravik's forces killed her mother that she lost faith. She was the one who reported the safe house to the authorities in Secret Invasion's second episode. When she meets up with Talos after being shot, she tells him that the only place she "belongs" is with him. Yet, she implores him to tell her his plan to deliver a home for their people, who have been living in exile for 30-plus years.

Talos understands humanity, though he is an optimist. He believes that simply by stopping Gravik and revealing his one-million-strong population would result in humanity's acceptance. He tells G'iah that if they and the others continue to make positive contributions to the world, humanity will accept them as equals and that his plan relies on the Skrulls to keep "showing them who we are." The problem G'iah has with this is that Talos wants them to do this without revealing what they actually look like. She walks away from her father, not realizing it was the last time she would see him alive.

G'iah Is the Future of the Skrulls in the MCU

The future of Skrulls in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an open question this series hopes to answer. Yet, with Talos gone, it will fall to G'iah to lead her people in the future. Whether this means continuing to work with Fury to make Earth their home or something else, it will all fall on her. In the Secret Invasion trailer, there is a brief shot of G'iah kneeling over a body and apparently crying. She is going to discover her father died for Fury's mission, just like her mother. While this could inspire her to fight for humanity against Gravik, it also might make her very angry at Nick Fury. She could possibly try to kill him in revenge, based on another shot from the trailer where she enters his and Priscilla's London home with a gun.

The real question audiences should have about the Skrulls' future is more related to humanity's reaction to them. Fury is able to convince a British soldier that Talos is an ally after his wound forces him to reveal his true form. But will humanity embrace the shapeshifting species like Talos believed? Or will humans respond to this attack the way they have in the past -- by painting an entire people with a broad brush for the actions of a select few? Whatever they decide, the Skrulls will be lucky to have G'iah leading their next move.

Secret Invasion debuts new episodes Wednesdays on Disney+.



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